
Because CSS and HTML properties are finnicky in the email world, existing theming solutions won't produce optimised HTML and CSS markup. As such, Brail provides its own stitches (opens in a new tab)-like theming solution.

Create a theme

We can create a theme by providing theme tokens for the following categories:

  • font
  • palette
  • spacing
  • shadow
const myTheme = b.theme
  .font({ arial: "Arial, sans-serif" })
  .palette({ primary: "#000", secondary: "#fff" })
    1: 4,
    2: 8,
    4: 16,
// Alternatively, use `import { createTheme } from "@brail/react"`
// for functional-style

We can now decorate our components, making these tokens available to use as props, and set default values per component:

import { Button } from "@brail/react"
export const MyButton = styled(Button, {
	// Props valid for button here
	color: "$primary", // -> #000
	p: "$2", // -> 8
// Theme tokens are now available on the component
<MyButton color="$secondary" >